Goin’ to Carolina in My Mind


'Goin’ to Carolina in my Mind'

I woke up today - a bit confused. I turned on the computer and it said I can vote today in North Carolina.

Given that bit of information, I'm on my way to North Carolina. Once I get there, I will turn around and return home to Virginia later today. Tomorrow, I will turn on the computer again, and wait for instructions!

OK, I'm kidding in all of this, of course, but thought it was quite funny. I'm not sure why my computer feels I need to know that people can vote in North Carolina today, since I live - happily, year round, in Virginia!

To those of you - in North Carolina - I do look forward to visiting your state, and especially its beaches again sometime soon. In all the things we are facing as individuals, and as a nation, it is good if we can take a moment to smile together, relax, and to enjoy the amazing new mercies that God gives us each day.

May God bless each and every one of you today, no matter how you view any issue, the upcoming election, the pandemic, or any challenge you may be facing.

I played some James Taylor - in honor of the moment and listened and smiled to the refrain, 'goin’ to Carolina in my mind.'


Every Mountain and Hill


A Drop from a Bucket