In Search of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

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In search of Justice Sandra Day O’ Connor - an open letter to President Trump

Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for your tremendous service to the people of the United States of America, for your tireless efforts on behalf of our entire nation, and for the countless difficulties that you, your family, your administration, and our nation have faced and overcome during your presidency.

Mr. President, with the unfortunate passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it is wise for us as a nation to: take time to mourn, remember her accomplishments, and also to work as quickly as possible to replace the now-vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Mr. President, it is my hope that you will speak on behalf of all of us, with the family, friends, and all those inspired by the life of our now-deceased Associate Justice, of how we as a nation share in their grief.

Mr. President, it is also my hope that you will, in the shortest time possible, nominate one of America’s many excellent conservative female judges, with a similar skill set and judicial outlook as former Justice Sandra Day O’ Connor, for the now-vacant seat on our highest court.

Mr. President, if you do so, you will not only have the opportunity to appoint the fifth woman in history as an Associate Justice, but also to enable the SCOTUS to be in the best position to serve the needs of the nation, as it begins a new docket of cases, the first Monday in October.

Mr. President, although I did not agree with all of Justice O'Connor's opinions, or that of any justice, with a wise and independent legal mind, she worked with utmost diligence to protect and defend the Constitution, and left an amazing legacy that has sadly been neglected, by the absence of the appointment of a second female conservative Justice, since her retirement.

Mr. President, you might recall, as a testimony to her groundbreaking time on the high court, on August 12th, 2009, just a couple years before her death, retired Justice Connor was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by former President Obama. This award was in keeping with both her unique role in history, as the first woman to have served on the Supreme Court, and also with regards to the dignity and integrity with which she served the nation.

Mr. President, you might also recall that she had been nominated by former President Reagan in 1981, and confirmed by a remarkable vote of 99 - 0, a vote that would seem otherworldly, given the ill manner of current politics, and the shenanigans of many who opposed the appointment of one of your previous nominees, Justice Kavanaugh. Sadly, something that even a current vice presidential candidate chose also to participate in.

Mr. President, it also is my hope that both Democratic and Republican Senators alike, will speedily work together, in unity, to create a fast and honorable process, to quickly, and honorably confirm your nominee.

Mr. President, it is my hope that the confirmation process can be completed without any delay, before the election; yet, if there is any delay at all, Mr. President, once you are re-elected, the process could also be completed within the first or second week following your re-election.

Mr. President, thank you for your consideration of my thoughts. You, your family, our amazing nation, those impacted by the challenges we are all facing, and the Ginsburg family, remain the focus of my current prayers.


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