He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed!
For many years, it has been my practice to wake up early on Easter Sunday morning and loudly play the “Easter Song.” As I did it again earlier this morning, I thought of the many times I played it over the years in an effort to also wake up our kids as we headed out to a sunrise resurrection Sunday celebration!
OK, I admit on more than a few occasions I was asked to turn it down, but I’m sure all of my kids will attest to that song being clearly tied to this incredible day!
Although the song has since been performed by many others, my favorite version is by the group Glad. I’d encourage you to go to Youtube at some point today and check it out.
Written by Keith Green in 1977, the song proclaims the greatest news the world has ever known, the amazing truth that “Christ is risen from the dead.”
Stepping back to that moment in history, now roughly two thousand years ago, his followers had recently witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and burial. Afterwards, they had left, shocked, dismayed, perplexed, and deeply mourning the loss of the One they had given up everything to follow.
In their sorrow and confusion, early, that first Easter Sunday morning, a few of them went to the tomb. As they arrived they found it empty, and heard the astonishing message, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, he has risen!”
Two millennia later, the words found in the gospel of Luke still send shockwaves into a world ravaged by sin, and one still struggling to slowly find its way out of the pandemic.
Dear brother or sister in Christ or friend along life’s journey, as you go about your day today, and celebrate the greatest news the world has ever known, take time to find inspiration, courage, and perhaps even a new start in life, knowing that
He is risen! He is risen indeed!